Wednesday, July 22, 2009

wowzas! A lot about a little thing

At the MCA I am in the photography class, and computer animation. I have taken one roll of film for the class and developed it today, but someone decided to take my negatives and finish developing them their self, so I don't know how they came out. Also I went to the MFA today and quickly view most of what was their. I stopped and gazed at an elephant steerer (I don't know how it works though). it was from the 17th century made in India and out of steel. it was composed of around 23 different steel parts with extremely intricate and delicate designs on it of Hindu gods and animals. It was amazing to see the craftsmanship of people who couldn't use modern tools to create something that was, so amazingly beautiful. I drew a rough sketch of it, and stood gaping at its wonder for a good half hour. Then I realized I had to get back to my class, so I went and by that time the time at camp was about over. I wish I had gotten to see some of the contemporary stuff there, but I know that I can go back at anytime, so I will and take more of it in. It is just too big to see in one visit, which is why I love going back each time.
This one is old, but from its just looking out of my window, at the blue hills, near dusk.

so much but a quick summary

Okay so here I go... I have been to Florida and have just started my classes at MCA. I took a longer exposure picture of sparklers on the forth of July with my digital camera. I may have lost a free roll I took at my cousin's graduation party. Took my architecture photos, and will take more. I have a summer cold which is awful. AND, and finally I am about to upload some photos here!!!!

Monday, July 6, 2009


I took some pictures while I was in Bridge Hampton this past week, lots of vintage cars there really cool. Also a slow picture of sparklers it looks cool I am trying to find the cord to upload some picture onto my blog. don't worry they will be up soon.