Thursday, November 12, 2009


So for a while now i have been working on mixed media for the breadth section of AP Photo... It is taken me so long. Then i switched what my original idea was because the first piece looked like something a 5yr. old would make in 20 seconds. Since i trashed that idea i came up with a much better one, or at least i hope it is. in any case i will give a description after it gets looked at and photographed. here's a hint, "cranes."

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Outerbridge is like Andy Warhol in the sense that they were not only artists, but salesmen. They made their art in ways that it was mass produced. Personally i do not like when art is mass produced for commercial value. The article seems to say that his art can be appreciated by different types of people, the ones who like the commercial value, and those who like the true artistry. The way we use the saturate function in Photoshop he had been doing in the darkroom, which makes me think that we take such advantage from these things that we find normal, were once incredibly difficult to master.
Looking at his color photos of women I can see why they were censored in the early 20th century. Also the color photos seem more poster like than they do real pieces of art worth a higher value. I do like his black and white photos because of the dramatic lighting he uses in them. To capture a photo and not lose any parts to shadows or over powering light is a hard and rewarding task that I believe he has mastered with his photo, Top Hat and Mufflers. Also to put this on a platinum print is very rewarding , because of the expense of the material would mean that he would have to get the print right before he could run out of money to buy that paper.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Current works

At the moment I am not doing any B&W photography, but I am doing editing in Photoshop of pictures I took over the summer. They are for the breadth section. So far I have three photos on the computer for the color/monotone. The first is of a red car with a black and white background. The second is of a flower up close. It has been slightly over saturated, but that I think that helps emphasize the flower. The final is of the sunset on July 4th. There were so many shades of colors it is hard to make them blend together while still keeping the photo sharp.
Other work that I am doing is for my portfolio for college. Ms. Johnston is helping me a great a deal with the work that is going in to it. I have a couple of figure drawings in it and one landscape. The only other piece of work that I am currently working on outside of classes is a still life. IT is coming along, but not at the pace I would have hoped for. So tonight I am going to do a ton of work on it and make huge progress.

Monday, October 19, 2009


The article was interesting. I learned that I should look at my photos upside-down could help me with my printing. I think that his paintings do leave something to be desired. They seem slightly juvenile, but his photos are intriguing. I can definitely see the influences of Kandinsky and Pollack in his paintings. The paintings are completely abstract, which makes them seem as though they have some deeper meaning.
In his photos there are great line definitions. Also I think that he has more to offer people then he lets on. He seems to want people to take away what they want from his art.

Friday, October 9, 2009

National Portfolio Day

Last saturday I went to National Portfolio Day at the Hynes Convention Center. I put together a possible portfolio to show the colleges their. The first college I saw was Monserrat. The guy who looked at my portfolio said that my photos were on the surface of whatever my focus for the pictures was. He told me to investigate my photos more and spend more time with my subject and figure out all the possible ways i could explore taking photos of a single subject whether it be architecture, interior architecture, lights, or landscapes.
The next college that I visited while I was there was Mass Art. Unfortunately for me I was not able to understand everything that the reviewer was saying, however he said that it was a good thing that I was doing dark room photographs, because there were so many digital photo submissions. He said that I just needed to add more to my portfolio and it would be good. He also asked if I had seen the Edward Weston exhibit at the MFA. I told him that i had and he seemed to think that Weston would be a good photographer for me to look at. I asked him if I should submit anything different than what I had there, he just said that I also had to submit five drawing from observation and that I could get in. (Ask my mom for greater details).
Then I went to go see if Drexel would look at mine, however there was only one representative there and she was taking an extremely long time. I waited half an hour before giving up on her because there were still ten people in front of me and only three had gone by in the half hour.
The last college I visited was SMFA. Erica H. Adams looked at my portfolio and asked me many questions about when I started photographing, what art I liked, if i had ever visited the school. She made many comments on my photos. Then she looked at my sketch books and said that I had completed one of the assignment that a teacher had given to his students. She said that I had a good portfolio, but it needed more and that i should take more time in what I do. She laughed when she saw the photogram of the billow pad because she didn't know what it was at first, and when she asked; she laughed because she was amazed that she hadn't seen someone do this type of photogram before.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

contact sheets

The two contact sheets that I have printed are blown out. Darn it, but the negatives that go along with them are usable. The majority of my negatives that I shot from over the summer are of architecture. Also I'm going to go to National Portfolio Day this weekend, and hope to get some positive reviews and constructive criticism on my work so far.

Monday, September 21, 2009

a photo from camp

new semester

The second part of AP Photo has finally started! :D Already I don't like the film that I had just developed on Friday. It is way too dark. I think that's because the aperture was open way too much. Despite that the negatives look good. I have realized that most of the photos are of architecture, which is a good thing because that is what I would like to do for my concentration.

Monday, August 31, 2009


OH NO summer is almost over. It went by too fast. Luckily all of my rolls of film are completed. Other than that I haven't done much since MCA summer studios.
Last post for august oh wells...

Monday, August 17, 2009


this is not the best quality sorry... But this was Chris, His mom, and Alex on the boat on the way home from the Hamptons.

MCA again, again

The final exhibition was last friday and it went well. I got to take home all of my work, which was nice. I got to see all of my friends work and got really impressed by how great the art from everyone was. Also we got to draw human nudes which was very interesting and good because it helped me to learn how to draw a person since i have a lot of trouble drawing people for some reason. That's MCA Summer Studios in a nutshell.

MCA again

So unfortunately MCA ended, but on a good note! The photo teacher said i had improved on my photography from the start of the four week program to the end. it was so much fun.
I developed some of my AGFA rolls for balance and architecture and discovered that i need to reshoot because they were falsely labeled as such. I'm going to copley this wednesday so i can take more architecture and get some balance in, too.
At MCA there was this class called issues and images and all we did was watch slide shows and discuss the types of art we were looking at. It was a good way to expand my knowledge of art, but it got monotonous. There was a good class where the class went to Cloud Place at Copley and helped develop a new app. for the iPhone, it is the personalized tour of paris, and we were helping to make it available in the Boston area.
The other class i took there was Computer Animation. It was not that much fun because the teacher didn't teach us anything beyond a motion and shape tween. Then we had to make our finals from there.

Friday, August 7, 2009


So MCA is almost over... :( ... It's been fun drawn like 7 models, developed two of my AGFA rolls, printed 5 from the rolls, and it has been so good!!! more later...

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

wowzas! A lot about a little thing

At the MCA I am in the photography class, and computer animation. I have taken one roll of film for the class and developed it today, but someone decided to take my negatives and finish developing them their self, so I don't know how they came out. Also I went to the MFA today and quickly view most of what was their. I stopped and gazed at an elephant steerer (I don't know how it works though). it was from the 17th century made in India and out of steel. it was composed of around 23 different steel parts with extremely intricate and delicate designs on it of Hindu gods and animals. It was amazing to see the craftsmanship of people who couldn't use modern tools to create something that was, so amazingly beautiful. I drew a rough sketch of it, and stood gaping at its wonder for a good half hour. Then I realized I had to get back to my class, so I went and by that time the time at camp was about over. I wish I had gotten to see some of the contemporary stuff there, but I know that I can go back at anytime, so I will and take more of it in. It is just too big to see in one visit, which is why I love going back each time.
This one is old, but from its just looking out of my window, at the blue hills, near dusk.

so much but a quick summary

Okay so here I go... I have been to Florida and have just started my classes at MCA. I took a longer exposure picture of sparklers on the forth of July with my digital camera. I may have lost a free roll I took at my cousin's graduation party. Took my architecture photos, and will take more. I have a summer cold which is awful. AND, and finally I am about to upload some photos here!!!!

Monday, July 6, 2009


I took some pictures while I was in Bridge Hampton this past week, lots of vintage cars there really cool. Also a slow picture of sparklers it looks cool I am trying to find the cord to upload some picture onto my blog. don't worry they will be up soon.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Fishes of Mexico

Alex White got me a fish eye camera as a belated birthday present and underwater housing for it and it looks awesome. It's a 35mm camera with a hand rewinder and no flash and a viewfinder. Also i went to the MFA today and saw the Mexican photo exhibit there.
Edward Weston was the main photographer of the exhibition and he took a variety of photos. He had landscapes, cityscapes, portraits, and architecture. The prints were mainly on gelatin silver while a few were on platinum. Some of his photos were of the Aztec ruins and their temples, which gave a great sense of depth looking up at them. also the photos of the people showed the hope and dirt of the towns.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

free roll and level

I also just shot a free role of my family at my other cousin's graduation party at night. I hope the flash didn't blow the picture out... when you turn the flash on does my camera account for it, like does it measure the light plus the light of the flash?

also I took some pictures of moving lights and used the tripod... yay.

And finally i just drew a level using the camera as a model for U3 a video game that I am designing a level for in July at MIT.

I also just shot a free role of my family at my other cousin's graduation party at night. I hope the flash didn't blow the picture out... when you turn the flash on does my camera account for it, like does it measure the light plus the light of the flash?

also I took some pictures of moving lights and used the tripod... yay.

And finally i just drew a level using the camera as a model for U3 a video game that I am designing a level for in July at MIT.

old and the recent

So a while ago I went to the MFA like in April and saw the figures show. it was of people in different poses. then just recently i saw my cousins photography at Mass College of Art and it was spectacular to see how well her photo came out since she is in 3rd grade. It was of a pond near the Franklin Park Zoo in winter and it really showed the time and effort she put into it. Also her photograph and one of her drawings was on the postcard they sent out to relatives!! I was astounded that she had two of her works on the card.

Friday, May 29, 2009


Zach Vitale's binary eggs that i saw at AIB were really cool and spelled something out in binary.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


have a headache, need some sleep, don't like doing self-portraits, oh well... needed to post, but don't know why. Also I don't know Patrick's blog. Sorry if this is in kind of broken english. ha!

okay post again soon or later...

Monday, March 30, 2009

I'm all the way on the left.

Friday, March 20, 2009

back from spain

Spain was great fun took a lot of digital photos, but some had bad resolution and others were yellow from lighting. Unfortunately my camera died before Madrid so I don't have great photos from there. Instead I had to buy a bad disposable one and take 27 with that one. 

Friday, March 6, 2009

It's break time I have two more performances, then spain, then march break. Ya for 3 rolls of film hope they all come out well!!!
It's break time I have two more performances, then spain, then march break. Ya for 3 rolls of film, I hope they all come out well!!!