Monday, August 31, 2009


OH NO summer is almost over. It went by too fast. Luckily all of my rolls of film are completed. Other than that I haven't done much since MCA summer studios.
Last post for august oh wells...

Monday, August 17, 2009


this is not the best quality sorry... But this was Chris, His mom, and Alex on the boat on the way home from the Hamptons.

MCA again, again

The final exhibition was last friday and it went well. I got to take home all of my work, which was nice. I got to see all of my friends work and got really impressed by how great the art from everyone was. Also we got to draw human nudes which was very interesting and good because it helped me to learn how to draw a person since i have a lot of trouble drawing people for some reason. That's MCA Summer Studios in a nutshell.

MCA again

So unfortunately MCA ended, but on a good note! The photo teacher said i had improved on my photography from the start of the four week program to the end. it was so much fun.
I developed some of my AGFA rolls for balance and architecture and discovered that i need to reshoot because they were falsely labeled as such. I'm going to copley this wednesday so i can take more architecture and get some balance in, too.
At MCA there was this class called issues and images and all we did was watch slide shows and discuss the types of art we were looking at. It was a good way to expand my knowledge of art, but it got monotonous. There was a good class where the class went to Cloud Place at Copley and helped develop a new app. for the iPhone, it is the personalized tour of paris, and we were helping to make it available in the Boston area.
The other class i took there was Computer Animation. It was not that much fun because the teacher didn't teach us anything beyond a motion and shape tween. Then we had to make our finals from there.

Friday, August 7, 2009


So MCA is almost over... :( ... It's been fun drawn like 7 models, developed two of my AGFA rolls, printed 5 from the rolls, and it has been so good!!! more later...